Box Window Repair Specialists
& Sash Window Repairs in
Stockport | Manchester | Cheshire


At Timber Repair Systems, Sash Window Repairs Congleton enquiries regularly come into us, from both new and existing customers who want the benefit of a company who will lovingly restore sash windows to their former glory through curative and preventative maintenance repair methods that restore the original durability. Its no secret that sash windows in listed and period buildings have proven strength that can’t be matched by modern windows’ hence; the importance of having them repaired correctly.


In Congleton for sash window repairs or anywhere in the Cheshire area, Timber Repair Systems have a proven track record in window restoration; having serviced the region for over 20 years successfully. Whatever the repair may entail-rotten sills, presence of wood decay, replacement sash cords, weights, pulleys, sash lifts and reglazing, draught and rattles etc-the highly skilled and experienced team at Timber Repair Sytems can offer a ‘one stop’ shop for all sash requirements.

For sash window repairs Congleton, the team at Timber Repair Systems use a window restoration process-for sash windows-called ‘Dry Flex’ which they are a designated agent for. This system, is designed for exterior applications with a two component epoxy resin which is superior to many conventional resins. Allowing the original character of the wood to remain, Dry Flex will not shatter and has an excellent impact resistance which contributes to your windows being repaired to the highest standards.